Oct4 , 2023 by Randhir_kumar
Note: I am creating this sheet for learning purpose and make a data for myself. Any entry based on this will not create any liability on me and anyone/anything in concern with me.
Short Date: 22nd Sept 2023 Entry Screenshot price/exited little early due to doji+volume and also near lows, bottom cannot be catch (target hit) 1:3
Date: 3rd Oct. 2023 Entry because of doji +volume and also near low
Very choppy market. 1:2 achieved but not big RR. Anyway 1:2 is good.
Learning : Market checks patience
4th Oct. TARGET missed by 2 POINTS
Learning: When there is entry against trend, and entry was in your favor, suddenly market reverse back MUST HAVE GUTS TO GET EXIT AT COST OR AT SOME LOSS/PROFIT.