How conviction kills Traders in stock Market

How conviction kills Traders in stock Market

Conviction is nothing but ego/arrogance/destroyer/overthinking etc.

Have you been trapped to in your conviction of being right in stock market and lost everything?

Perhaps!! Yes.

Today We lose and then do research a lot and on past chart/data try to find an strategy with high conviction supported by emotions and thinking.

Next day we take entry and due to high rate of conviction we could never realised that Entry got wrong and this adamant behaviors’ of being right so called conviction never allowed us to follow our self made rules and we have been losing continuously in stock market.

If we come out of this conviction of being right then only we can see real picture and chances of being a trader can be fulfilled other things will never change.

Our conviction is actually attached with our emotions and thinking habits, it never allows us to take proper entry and exit and we are never able to take small loss.

Multiple times our account got Blown up but this conviction of being right is not ending but our capacity to fund our trading account is end.

Lets try once and keeping aside this conviction of being right and follow belief system accompanied by patterns, which works on probability then find the result, trying is not harm but may be a great option.


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